Sunday, November 8, 2020

Take the overwhelm out of clutter clearing!

  Our home has become a multitasker. It is an office, a school, a home, business, and even with all that, it needs to be a sanctuary. Unfortunately, the sanctuary part often doesn’t make it in a full house.

If the thought of clutter clearing amidst all of these new responsibilities overwhelms you, don’t despair!

Here are some tips to make things easier:

1. Instead of tackling the whole house at once, find a theme. Are you looking for a new job? Then tackle your career area or your home office. Does your family space need some help now that everyone is at home at the same time? Then tackle and spruce up your family area for some fun new traditions and family time! Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once, but you do have to start.

2. Set a timer! For bigger jobs like overflowing laundry baskets or closets, I like to set a timer for 30 minutes. That means for 30 minutes I do not do anything else, I  tackle that project. When the 30 minutes are up I put everything back on the pile that I haven’t put away. Then I go do something else. After a while, I will come back and do another 30 minutes. You will find if you do this without disruption and focusing just on that one project, you will get done quickly. Also, if you’re doing clothes projects ALWAYS have two bags or boxes handy. One for donations, and one for pieces that just need to go in the trash.

3. For smaller projects like papers, junk drawers, or craft areas, set your timer for 15 minutes.
This keeps your focus on task. Have a home office, or is your home your office now? Stay tuned for a fun interactive webinar (limited to 5 people per session) on how to organize your "work from home"!

You’ve got this!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Are you telling the Universe that you already have TOO MUCH?

We are living in crazy times, and people have not spent this much times in their homes, EVER! Not only that, our homes have become multi-taskers!

In the next few weeks, I will hit on some points that I get asked about most often. I will also give you some tricks & tips that I use myself to stay on top of the turbulence.

Let’s talk about abundance.

Abundance and Prosperity, probably the highest topic on my client’s list.

We often don’t realize how abundant we already are until those everyday things like TOILETPAPER become a rare commodity. How many of you thought toilet paper would be like gold a year ago?

Staying on that roll, the fact that you can go to a sink and have running water, or go to the bathroom and flush is a sign of abundance in other places. Or, that you can go grocery shopping in the midst of a pandemic and buy most of your essentials (now that all the hoarders have stocked up and it is illegal to profit off of essentials).

But I know, MONEY is till a big draw. Having enough money to pay the bills and live comfortable is the wish most of us have.

Are you showing the Universe that you are ready for money, or is your money coming and going before you can enjoy it?

Heike, what does this have to do with clutter?

Well, let’s look at some places where you might be telling the Universe that you have waaaaay too much already, and you really don’t need any more.

Open your refrigerator. What do you see? Don’t be shy, I was appalled at my own fridge this morning, stuffed with expired food and crammed to the hilt. As I was cleaning it out because i need space for new groceries, I thought: “This is CRAZY! I am throwing out $$’s worth of food while trying to budget my groceries.” Not only is a shame to waste food (I can give most of it to my chickens, but still). it is telling the Universe that I have so much money that I can literally throw it away.

So today, take some time to grow your prosperity. Clean out your fridge so you can see what you already have. Next time you go shopping, make a list and only buy what is needed. I have to tell you, Instacart has been great for my grocery budgeting. I only order what I need, no spontaneous buys, especially at CostCo!

I love to hear your thoughts! Share with me in the comments!