One of the many energies that clutter draws to us is chaotic finances. It is almost a 100% chance that if your life is cluttered, so are your finances. It also happens that when I meet new clients and ask what their main goals are from our work together, the main issues are LOVE, and MONEY.
When I show my new client where their Prosperity area is in their house, they are often aghast. That is the first reaction, the second is: “THAT is why I can’t hold on to money!”.
Yes, friends, this why I am talking money.
It is not only about getting your clutter energy in order and making sure your Prosperity area is feeling luscious and abundant, it is also about changing your attitude towards money. Money is your friend. Money loves you, you just have to stroke it and love it back.
Instead of making long lists of budgets and expenses (here is the Gemini in me talking!), live in the moment, and start talking to your money. For example, I love getting food on the go. I am always hungry, and though I should carry snacks, I don’t. Today I was out and about, and on my way home I thought: “I should pick up my son and get Sushi”.
Thankfully, I have a trip planned and am collecting cash for a car, so I have goals (see pics below if you want to see where my money mantra is going). That is the secret. If there is something you are saving for, don’t put it on a list. Print out as many pictures and hang them around your house. Make it the screensaver on your phone, so when you pull it out to check Yelp or your bank account, that is the first thing you see. Not only is this great for Law of Attraction, it is a reminder to not frivolously spend your money.
I pulled up to my house, went to my overflowing refrigerator (does your family tell you there is nothing to eat in the house when the fridge is stacked like Tetris, or that just mine?), and pulled out all the ingredients to make a killer Bacon-Avocado-Tomato-Cheese Sandwich. Given that 2 sushi rolls, drinks, and a tip would have cost me at least $25, I just EARNED $25 by just staying home.
Here is the mindset I want you have from now on. You are not SAVING money by making your own coffee, not buying the 20th black T-shirt because it is on sale, not eating out every day…you are EARNING this money. You have already earned it once by working your job, and now you are going to pay yourself that money you did not spend.
You heard me right: PAY YOURSELF THE MONEY YOU JUST BARELY PAID TO SOMEONE ELSE. Put it in a jar, or send it to a separate savings account called “TREAT YOURSELF YOU BADASS”. Right away, don't dawdle.
You see, my friend, this is how you are going to fall back in love with your money. You are going to make sure that if you give your money to someone else, there better be a damn good reason you did not pay yourself that money first.
P.S. I am not against the “Track you expenses and make a budget” approach. I just tried it and and it did not work for me. I am now working a system that not only is getting us out of debt without us getting resentful, but I am letting our money do good things for us as we go. AND, I have an excellent credit score, even though I think that system is the biggest BS ever. So, if are interested, stay tuned. If not, just ignore any posts with “MONEY” starting the title.
Much love, Heike
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